Eleanor Neville was born into an Army family. They were stationed in Germany while the Baader Meinhof terrorist group were active, and in London during an IRA campaign. She was, allegedly, traumatised for life when a performance of the Mikado was evacuated due to a bomb warning. Thankfully, no one died or was injured, but the box of fruit gums that she’d left under her seat wasn’t there when she got back and she never saw it again. As far as she’s aware, it was not the subject of a controlled explosion or the cause of the evacuation.
Her ambition has always been to live a boring and blameless life, so she joined a large UK bank, where she specialised in fraud. (Not committing it. Obviously. Or at least if she did, then she was never caught.)
These days, she’d far rather write about other people getting caught up in situations that make no sense and doing things that they never expected to than have to do it for real. That way she can make sure that most of her characters get the happy endings that so many people who deserve them never get. The ones who don’t didn’t deserve them, so that’s okay.
She’d also like to believe that someone out there knows exactly what’s going on and has it all under control. Obviously, it has to be a top-secret organisation that leaves no trace of their existence because she certainly hasn’t spotted them in real life.
You can follow her books at Author Central here amazon.com/author/eleanor-neville or by clicking ‘follow this author’ at the end of any of them. Oh, and the bits about bondage, domination and submission are entirely figments of her imagination. Luckily for her, most people never realise how warped and twisted that imagination is.